Game Reports
Several situations, or even governing bodies, may require the officials to submit a game report following the game. This is especially important when an infraction is called which calls for the suspension of a player or coach. The official game report will serve as the official’s version of the incidents occurring on the ice. Online game reporting systems are now used in most areas and can be completed immediately following the game while sitting in the officials’ dressing room. Please use the following link when completing the game report. Note: It is critical that this report is filed within 48 hours of the incident.
File a report *HERE. Follow the instructions to log in.
You will need your Officials Number (located on your referee card), Email and Password.
*Reminder: You must select Mid-West AHA (IA,KS,NE) under the USA Hockey Affiliate drop down during the incident report process. This is for the Missouri rinks also.
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process please email any of the KCOA board Members.